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adesso BLOG


29.06.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen

Update on the smart meter rollout: withdrawal of the general ruling of 7 February 2020


The German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) withdrew the pronouncement for the rollout of smart metering systems a good month ago. This has once again slowed down the smart meter rollout following on from the reoccurring issues it had encountered recently. This blog post will explain why the pronouncement has been withdrawn and what impact this has had on the smart meter rollout.

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27.06.2022 By Lars Zimmermann and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Emergency Plan for Gas – Robert Habeck declares alert level


On 30 March 2022, Robert Habeck, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, declared the early warning level of the Emergency Plan for Gas. This was followed on 23 June 2022 by the alert level, which is the second of three levels in the Emergency Plan for Gas. What does the alert level mean and what steps will be taken now? In our blog post, we will give you a brief overview as to why Habeck made this decision and what the impact will be.

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23.06.2022 By Maximilian Berger and Tim Strohschneider

Enterprise search – finding instead of searching


Enterprise search solutions serve as a fundamental building block of the digital workplace and are therefore a daily companion for everyday work – a kind of ‘Google in the company’. In this blog post, I’ll explain what enterprise search is all about and what benefits it entails.

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20.06.2022 By Andreas Honert, Stefan Hilmer and Florian Petermann

Approaches for avoiding agile regression


Since agile regression develops gradually, the indicators are very difficult to recognise in everyday life or can only be recognised at a late stage. To counteract this, we’ll describe direct, point-by-point approaches for mitigating agile regression here in our latest blog post.

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Our observations show that with mobile working models, flexible working hours and digital alternatives, stability and productivity are entirely possible – in the financial world as well. The buzzword in this context is ‘new work’. In this blog post, I’d like to present in greater detail what the term actually means, how it affects banks and what the use cases that can be experienced in banking look like.

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Statutory health insurance companies in Germany have had to offer their policyholders their personal electronic patient record (EPR) since 1 January 2021. So far, only a little more than 470,000 electronic patient records have been created, despite the potential of about 83 million users. In my blog post, I’ll explain why this is the case, address the challenges private health insurance companies face and show how the situation can change.

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Advances in IoT and other information technologies such as cloud and mobile computing have promoted the digitisation of products. Digital products offer a wide range of opportunities for innovation and high potential for new use cases. While customer centricity is an important consideration, manufacturers should also consider the internal benefits of use cases on the manufacturing side. In my blog post, I explain how we help companies do this.

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03.06.2022 By Fabian Forkl, Zoe Holdt and Julius Glaser

Hydrogen: developing an emerging market


A climate-friendly energy carrier like hydrogen is becoming increasingly relevant in times of disputed gas supplies, rising energy prices and advancing climate catastrophes. The import of green hydrogen from abroad as well as projects for domestic production, distribution and use within Germany are already being planned. In our blog post, we’ll explain to you how gas is turned into a tradable product and which requirements have to be met in order to establish a functioning market.

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A community of practice is an association of experts. Its objectives include the exchange and transfer of knowledge on specialist topics. Together with other testing experts, prominently from the insurance sector, I founded the Testing@Insurance CoP last summer. My blog post introduces you to our Testing@Insurance CoP in more detail.

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