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adesso BLOG


19.05.2022 By Alexander Frommelt and Stefan Rogge

Lost in the clouds


It is no longer possible to imagine IT projects without the cloud, regardless of what industry you’re talking about. New business models offer advantages in terms of scalability, stability and security, which deliver benefits across the cost structure of the IT system landscape. In many customer situations, the cloud is used as an all-purpose term or even as a buzzword. It loses its core meaning. But what is the cloud and what does it mean for me?

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17.05.2022 By Vanessa Stahl and Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Why validating computer systems is important and the advantages that come along with it


The path to successful digitalisation in the laboratory requires the use of IT systems. While a large part of the documentation and data volume for manual process steps is kept on paper, an increased level of digitalisation also entails an increased volume of data. This makes it all the more important to ensure that the IT systems that are used are validated so that the data that’s generated and processed is subject to the required quality criteria.

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11.05.2022 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

Data Driven Insurance - Digital Business Models holistically automated!


Data is one of the most valuable assets for any company – and this is no different for insurers. The amount of data continues to grow as digitalisation gathers pace. The challenge for insurers is to generate complete, high-quality data from the vast quantities of information available. This blog post explains what data-driven insurance is and what the associated requirements and implications are.

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The legal framework has been established to meet the three overarching objectives of energy policy, those being economic efficiency, environmental compatibility and security of supply. This includes the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which has created incentives for the expansion of renewable energy sources. Since this subsidy is no longer available or will soon be phased out for certain installations, we would like to present options on how to sell the energy they generate in the future in this blog post.

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Everyone talks about sustainability, but do we all mean the same thing? The insurance industry can use its prominent position to make a major contribution to sustainable action. You may now be asking yourself how an insurance company can be sustainable in the first place. I will explain how in my blog post.

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Crypto currencies and digital payment methods have been fuelling the emergence of new trends and developments in the financial sector for several years; and they’ve gained significant impetus. Regulatory bodies are also reacting to the phenomenon by bringing order to the system. In this blog post, I’ll explain what consequences these developments have for the banking market and what the future of crypto currencies and digital assets might look like.

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Cloud computing has become an essential part of the IT strategy for the majority of companies in Germany. Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based infrastructure services in particular are the preferred means for meeting the challenges of digitalisation. In my blog post, I’ll describe the transition from the cloud to ‘real’ Software as a Service and show you its benefits.

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Sustainability and environmental protection are topics that are now part of our daily lives. The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been designated by Germany’s current federal government as a guideline for political action. If we want to truly understand environmental problems, systematically analyse them and take action against them using IT systems, we must draw on our most crucial tool: environmental data. In my blog post, I’ll give you an overview of the possible ways to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to the field of environmental protection.

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12.04.2022 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Julius Glaser

Hydrogen – the fuel of the future?


Hydrogen vehicles are characterised by short refuelling times, long driving ranges and powerful acceleration. They enable emission-free mobility that’s in line with sustainable energy transition. You’ll learn what this is all about in our blog post.

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