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adesso BLOG


In my previous blog posts in this series, I described what the persona of a new customer might look like in five to ten years. In the most recent post, I then used this persona to derive the requirements of Generation Alpha for insurance providers. In this blog post, I will focus on the customer journey and explain why insurance providers should engage with Generation Alpha and the potential it holds.

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Digital ecosystems and platforms are ushering in a new era in the development of innovative business models. In the banking market, too, the principle of platform-driven business models is gaining ground, as is exemplified by emerging concepts such as open banking and beyond banking. My blog post explains the reasons driving this shift and points out the obstacles that stand in the way of transformation.

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Once a software development project has been completed, one of the major signs that it was successful is if the end product meets the customer’s expectations. For this to happen, what the customer wants has to be communicated to the project team, which then needs to implement everything on a technical level. This is where vision videos can help. I will explain exactly what these are in my blog post.

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Over time, reinsurers have built up considerable methods for identifying, assessing and reducing or even avoiding risks. Many of these methods could help us in our day-to-day lives in the pandemic as a supplement to the RKI’s recommendations. I will explain how the whole thing looks in concrete terms in my blog post.

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Insurance providers are no strangers to investing in IT, with more and more being spent every year. This is a good thing since the lack of urgency when it comes to digitalisation in recent years is now beginning to come back to haunt companies. Processes are being actively rebuilt, modernised and the application landscape is even being completely renewed in some cases. This applies first and foremost to insurance sales application processes, which I would like to introduce to you in this blog post.

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01.02.2022 By Anna-Franziska Eckert and Andreas Liesche

Variant configuration (part 4) – engineers, programmers and IT as agile teams


Mastering variant configuration requires teamwork between designers, software developers and IT specialists. How can this work successfully? Ideally, integrated systems are modular and consist of authoring systems and modelling tools, configurators and frameworks, frontend and backend, workflow engines and integration modules. In this blog post, we take a look behind the scenes of the individual components and present their potential for optimisations.

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By creating the opening balance sheet on climate protection, Robert Habeck, Germany’s Federal Minister for Economics and Climate Action, has made it clear that there is still a lot to be done to achieve Germany’s climate targets. We have taken a look at the paper presented by Habeck and summarised the most important points in our blog post.

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Whether it arrives on paper or as a PDF, vast amounts of information reach our banks via the documents they receive (digital or analogue). In order to make this information usable for further processing in digital processes, the relevant information must be read out correctly and passed on to the right place in the process. This blog post is about how we can reliably perform this process and others for our customers using text extraction.

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There is still very little data sharing going on in today’s insurance industry. Obstacles to this include strict and often unclear regulations, reluctance to share data or the difficulty involved in calculating the value of data in advance. Gaia-X offers insurance providers enormous potential. I will explain what that potential is in my blog post.

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