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adesso BLOG


What is Generation Z’s attitude toward playing the lottery? In this blog post, you will learn why young people are more sceptical than previous generations and how the lottery industry is trying to win their attention.

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19.06.2023 By Olaf Neugebauer

How predictive maintenance reduces downtime

Picture Olaf Neugebauer

Employing predictive maintenance can effectively solve the industrial production nightmare caused by idle machines and expensive service calls and technician call-outs. In this blog post, I will explain how predictive maintenance can be used to reduce machine downtime and the amount of money spent on service calls.

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15.06.2023 By Stefan Rogge and Svenja Schröder

Sustainability regulations


Regulations require a great deal of time and effort, but at the end of the day, how can companies generate added value from their hard work? In this blog post, we will explore how regulatory changes are not only an obligation, but can also be an opportunity for insurance companies to take a leading role in shaping a sustainable future.

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Data innovations and data analytics use cases are an issue in the energy industry. Grid operators are sitting on mountains of unused data, meaning they are unable to properly exploit synergy effects and efficiency potentials. This blog post will explain how fully integrated processes, systems and data can help speed up the energy transition.

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While the first part of this blog series dealt with the technology of narrowband-IoT and in the second part I went into the specifics of communication based on MQTT-SN via NB-IoT, the third and final part of the series will focus on the aspect of security, which is critical for the Internet of Things.

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09.06.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Which laboratory challenges can data standards solve?

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

The era of digitalisation has seen the amount of data available increase exponentially. That is why good communication between instances is still the key to managing it – and data standards play a major role in this. This blog post will explain which challenges data standards can solve.

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06.06.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Zoe Holdt

Integrating e-vehicles and utilising their flexibility in a virtual power plant


New sales records for e-vehicles are set every year. But how can their load profile be coordinated in a way that is viable or even integrated to serve the grid? In this blog post, we will present the potentials of integrating e-vehicles into virtual power plants.

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02.06.2023 By Dimitrios Archontakakis

The security of SaaS cloud solutions

Picture Dimitrios Archontakakis

In the past, companies bought their software (for example, on CD-ROM) and installed it locally. These days, however, applications can be obtained directly from the cloud as software as a service (SaaS). In my blog post, I will answer the questions of where the data protection risks lie in this context and what the relevant security aspects are.

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01.06.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany


Climate change and the associated rise in global temperatures are having a massive impact on people and nature all over the world. Germany, as an industrial nation, has a special responsibility in this regard. In this blog post, we will look at the current greenhouse gas balance in Germany and give you an overview of the most important facts as well as measures to reduce emissions.

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