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adesso BLOG

Inside adesso

02.03.2023 By Heike Willkomm and Teresa Schmitt

The power of knowledge: how effective learning creates successful change


Change, transformation and transition are buzzwords that are being used with ever-greater frequency. But what do they mean? This blog post will highlight how important learning is for successful change and what constitutes successful learning concepts.

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Inside adesso

Companies have different hierarchical structures depending on how they are aligned – whether they are function-oriented or process-oriented. People prefer one of the two orientations depending on their personal view and inclination, which is also reflected in the different roles in the company. In this blog post, I have compiled a list of typical roles found in function-oriented companies and in process-oriented ones.

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Inside adesso

In order to achieve sustainability goals in companies, sustainability must first be better understood – because without reliable information as a basis for decision-making, it is impossible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of measures. This blog post will show where and how digital technologies can help with this.

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Inside adesso

22.12.2022 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Simon Bächle

VideKIS: a year of research


Conventional power plants, such as nuclear or coal-fired power plants, still provide a large portion of the system services in the electricity grid these days, for example frequency maintenance. Our blog post about the VideKIS research project will reveal how these system services should also be provided using renewable energy sources in future.

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Inside adesso

Improve healthcare systems and promote international cooperation with adesso expertise and IT know-how: this is the goal of the CarAH Project initiated by adesso and the Tokoloho Foundation day hospital in South Africa. This blog post will explain what the project is all about and how it works. It will also give insights into the international team’s collaboration thus far.

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Inside adesso

Employer attractiveness is playing an increasingly important role in the battle for the best talents. Apathetically listing your company’s benefits is no longer a sufficient means of making yourself stand out. The goal is to reach out to new talents before they begin searching for a specific job. This blog post will explain how social media can help with recruiting.

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Inside adesso

There are many cultures at a company that exist side by side. They are key building blocks for any successful business. It is crucial for companies to be proactive in defining and developing their work culture, especially in times of rapid growth and change. I explain and describe the different cultures in this blog post.

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Inside adesso

A growing awareness of sustainability in the IT sector is driving various organisations’ endeavours to establish a standard for digital sustainability. Experts expect this to happen in the next one to two years. In my blog post, I will show you which sustainability criteria are up for discussion and where the journey could lead.

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Inside adesso

Economic success is only one aspect of a healthy company – corporate culture is another important factor. That being said, culture is not something static, but rather it is constantly changing. In our blog post, we would like to share our thoughts on corporate cultures in dynamic environments with you. Ultimately, managers, recruiting, collaboration and communication are elements that will determine how our culture will evolve.

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