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adesso BLOG


In the world of data processing, there are various approaches to improving efficiency and accuracy. One particularly promising approach is the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the linking of entities through entity linking. In this blog post, I will highlight the new possibilities and advantages of this technology.

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Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in particular has attracted a lot of attention recently. Large language models such as ChatGPT show their full potential when they are enriched with domain-specific knowledge through RAG. Despite this potential, users often face challenges. In this blog post, we look at the transition from basic to advanced RAG approaches and show how typical problems can be overcome.

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool that is revolutionising various industries. One of the most fascinating applications of AI can be found in the field of design. AI-driven design offers new possibilities for the (interaction) design of software products and is changing the way we look at creativity and innovation. This blog post looks at what AI-Driven Design is, how it works and the benefits it offers specifically for healthcare applications.

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The first two parts of my blog post dealt with the general opportunities and challenges of AI, specific applications of generative AI and AI in the various phases of the customer journey. In the third and final part, I take a closer look at the future developments of AI in the insurance sector.

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12.08.2024 By Jonas Reinhardt and Marina Žagar

Creating trust, ensuring compliance: AI governance as a success factor


The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new opportunities for companies, but also presents them with regulatory and ethical challenges. Our AI Governance Check helps companies to meet the complex requirements of the AI Regulation (EUKIVO) and other standards, minimise risks and strengthen stakeholder trust. We show how this works in our blog post.

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This blog post was written as part of the GenAI Solutioning Unit. In it, we show that there are various ways to specialise a language model on a domain-specific basis. This is important for advising our customers and is aimed at anyone interested in GenAI.

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In the first part of my blog post, I focussed on the general opportunities and challenges of AI as well as specific applications of generative AI. The second part deals with the application of AI in the various phases of the customer journey.

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23.07.2024 By Tobias Kirsch

Use Case – AI in the social sector

Picture Tobias Kirsch

As you may have gathered from the first blog post, "Volunteering and its parallels in everyday IT", by Johannes Bayerl and myself, the social sector is very close to my heart. By chance, the Italian adesso Stefano Mainetti came across our post and shared it on his LinkedIn network. In doing so, he also referred to an interesting adesso project from Italy.

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10.07.2024 By Andreas Strunz

GPT-4o for the financial sector

Picture Andreas Strunz

On 13 May 2024, Open AI published the new Large Language Model GPT-4o. The ‘o’ stands for ‘omni’ and already points to one of the model's great strengths, namely the intelligent interaction of text, audio and images. In my blog post, I show what these new possibilities mean for Gen AI use cases in the financial sector.

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