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02.02.2023 By Katja Dippel

Trends in the insurance industry for 2023

Picture Katja Dippel

The to-do list for IT managers in insurance companies might get quite long in 2023. One tool for overcoming these challenges, as well as for exploiting their potential, is innovative IT technologies and methods. In my blog post, I will present eight focus topics that the adesso Insurance Team has identified.

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In order to achieve sustainability goals in companies, sustainability must first be better understood – because without reliable information as a basis for decision-making, it is impossible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of measures. This blog post will show where and how digital technologies can help with this.

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Sustainability is the megatrend of our time, and measures to increase sustainability are the talk of the town. However, in order to make improvements and evaluate them correctly, we first need to know where we stand. Unfortunately, when it comes to sustainability, there is still a bit of uncertainty and far too often greenwashing is employed. Therefore in this blog post, we will take a look at what we know about evaluating digital sustainability and where there are still uncertainties.

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In this blog post, I would like to go beyond industry specifics and take a general look at the topic of sustainability based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. With its Global Sustainability Agenda, the United Nations defines the elementary foundations and provides guidance for the sustainable development of society, politics and the economy.

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Inside adesso

A growing awareness of sustainability in the IT sector is driving various organisations’ endeavours to establish a standard for digital sustainability. Experts expect this to happen in the next one to two years. In my blog post, I will show you which sustainability criteria are up for discussion and where the journey could lead.

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Legally binding regulations and reporting obligations mean that financial service providers should contribute to developing the economy in an ecological and sustainable way, as well as usher in the new era of sustainable finance. The EU taxonomy, as a common classification system, is designed to help incentivise investors to make sustainable investments and support the shift towards a sustainable economy. In this blog post, I will briefly describe what this actually means and what needs to be taken into account.

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In the IT space, sustainability sometimes has negative connotations. It is associated with higher costs and lower performance without any immediate returns. However, sustainable digital solutions have the potential to set your company apart from its competitors on the marketplace, open up new fields of business and help preserve the foundation of life and business for us all. You will find out why every company should look into green tech in my blog post.

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Inside adesso

Due to increasing reporting obligations, many managers are now realising for the first time how much of an impact IT really has on their company’s carbon footprint. This is driven by much more than the amount of electricity they consume. In this blog post, I’ll be explaining where and how emissions from digital products and services can be lowered.

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Inside adesso

The sustainable companies of tomorrow are sustainable innovators. New reporting requirements allow managers to see what impact digital products and services have on the company’s corporate footprint. In this blog post, I will also explain which dimensions of sustainability are affected by digitalisation and what we need to start doing now.

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