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Digital Experience

Digital advertising gives companies the opportunity to influence people’s buying behaviour and reach the appropriate target groups in a targeted way. But how can we anticipate users’ buying behaviour and build in the right psychological triggers? I will show you how to take your campaign to the next level using the involvement matrix and different psychological triggers.

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Digital Experience

When it comes to the digitalisation of sales and marketing processes, companies are now looking into the rollout of a marketing automation tool. However, they need to do much more than implement the right tool. The real work of the marketing department is just getting started. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to take the next step in a smart and professional way

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Digital Experience

Smartphones have been an integral part of our everyday lives for many years now. They are always there when we need them and make day-to-day life easier, whether at work or in our free time. For an app to gain users, it has to be promoted and downloaded. In this blog post, I will be taking a look at an example involving a real customer to show you which channels can be used to market an app and what advantages and disadvantages they each have.

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