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21.12.2022 By Sabine Fischer

The crux with the crutches

Picture Sabine Fischer

As a privately insured person, getting medical devices, such as a wheelchair, is often not easy – hours of phoning back and forth, asking about the availability of medical devices and having applications approved. There is an easier way! This blog post will describe exactly how.

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14.12.2022 By Niklas Bug and Alexander Frommelt

Smart Claims – sustainable claims handling with a future


The idea of a sustainable insurance product impressed more than 4,000 people and consequently won first place at adesso’s Think!2022 competition. Smart Claims is a newly conceived digital product for future-oriented and sustainable claims settlement in the insurance industry. Keep reading to find out how it works, what the benefits are and who can use it.

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When it comes to company pension schemes, employees can demand that their employer use a part of their future earnings for their company pension scheme via deferred compensation. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) wants to increase the contribution assessment ceiling for the year 2023. How and to what extent are company pension schemes affected by this change? What challenges does this pose for companies, employees, insurance companies and pension providers? And how can these be overcome? You can find answers to these questions in the following blog post.

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How can an insurance provider use open insurance to further develop its own business model and strengthen its competitiveness and future relevance? What opportunities and risks does open insurance hold for the insurance industry? In this blog post, you will learn what the idea behind open insurance is and where this concept can be applied.

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19.10.2022 By Viyan Kofli

Competition among the CRM superpowers

Picture Viyan Kofli

Large companies are not the only ones using CRM systems. Smaller and medium-sized companies are already using them as well. But who are the big players when it comes to CRM system providers, and which hidden champions are the competition? This blog post will compare these big players and hidden champions and show which alternatives may be worthwhile for which companies.

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The German Civil Status Act (Personenstandsgesetz, PStG) was rewritten with effect from 1 January 2019. People who identify as non-binary must not be subjected to discrimination, and companies are obliged to implement the legal requirements set out in the legislation. As an outsider, you would think that this would not be a problem – especially in regard to IT. In this blog post, I will explain what exactly these legal requirements are, and which questions companies should be looking to answer.

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06.10.2022 By Sabine Fischer

Ecosystem – a heavily used term

Picture Sabine Fischer

People often like to use the term ‘ecosystem’ in various contexts, but what exactly does it entail? Is it something incredibly complex? Are ecosystems that are described as such actually ecosystems, or are they rather platforms? In my blog post, I will first define the term ‘ecosystem’, present different ecosystems and describe what must be done to meet customers’ needs.

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19.09.2022 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

Data-driven insurance - data culture and data-driven mindset


Data-driven insurance (DDI) is not only about data; it is also about people. When you consider the valuable role played by employees at an insurance company, a traditional change management process is simply not enough anymore. In making the transition to become a data-driven insurance company, they need to create a new awareness for a data culture that affects everyone at the company.

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15.09.2022 By Daniel Sorna, Alexey Shmelkin and Ibrahim Kizilarslan

Using low-code to bring shadow IT to light


Low-code is an intuitive, visual approach to modern software development that minimises the amount of effort needed for programming and speeds up the development process. But how can the potential of low-code be fully exploited and what role do citizen developers play in this context? We will answer these questions in our blog post.

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