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Digital Experience

How do I identify my customers’ individual needs? In the age of online shopping, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with customers in a way that speaks to them and focuses on their personal interests. This blog post discusses why it’s important to create customised content and how unified customer profiles (UCPs) contribute to one-to-one customer communication.

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Digital Experience

B2B portals are the ideal place to interact with customers, suppliers and partners. This is because in the current market environment, comprehensive and well-thought-out customer service has long since become a differentiating competitive factor. But what makes a good B2B portal? What should you pay attention to in practice? In this blog post, I will answer these questions and give you some tips.

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Companies employ staff in different roles, which means they have different areas of responsibility. These employees often possess above-average specialist knowledge in a subject area or special skills. But this knowledge is often – consciously or unconsciously – not shared. This creates an environment in which the conditions do not promote the growth of knowledge and prevent it from being used in a targeted way to advance the company and to offer real added value to (potential) customers. How can a company promote knowledge sharing through a community of practice and benefit (potential) customers and interested parties? I will explain how in this blog post using the example of the community of practice for the topic of company pension schemes.

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Digital Experience

This blog post presents some exciting results of the adesso CX Study 2021 with a focus on the insurance industry and shows how online business works for insured persons.

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