adesso BLOG
08.10.2024 By Jan-Peter Hazebrouck
Do you know your clean core index? The basis for a future-proof SAP landscape
SAP is aggressively marketing Clean Core. What is new about it, how does it differ from previous standardisation goals? The blog post provides a compact insight into the topic of Clean Core and shows the approach adesso is taking to successfully establish the approach in organisations.
Read more21.12.2023 By Jonas Abel and Nicole Zieger
Why change management is critical to whether or not an AI initiative succeeds
With all the hype currently surrounding generative AI (GenAI), people are divided into two main camps, namely those who support it and those who remain sceptical. This blog post provides a short overview on how GenAI can drive innovation in the insurance sector and why effective change management is important for both its sceptics and proponents.
Read more08.05.2023 By Marty Kostmann and Stephan Thies
Why change management must play a major role in transformation projects
ompanies often work with the same system for years, making only minor changes. But at some point the system has to be replaced due to lack of maintenance or functionality. In SAP system transformation projects, this means new workflows, interfaces and products. Change management is crucial to ensure that employees accept the new systems.
Read more25.04.2023 By Heike Willkomm, Marianna Thomsen and Stephen Lorenzen
The energy crisis – a welcome emergency brake for corporate change?
The energy crisis is having a massive impact on our lives and businesses. The energy industry has been hit particularly hard. Companies need to adapt and implement change. This blog post is about how companies can manage change.
Read more02.03.2023 By Heike Willkomm and Teresa Schmitt
The power of knowledge: how effective learning creates successful change
Change, transformation and transition are buzzwords that are being used with ever-greater frequency. But what do they mean? This blog post will highlight how important learning is for successful change and what constitutes successful learning concepts.
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