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adesso BLOG

Digital Experience

Shopping patterns changed a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the lockdowns and temporary closure of brick-and-mortar shops, consumers’ focus has shifted to the digital world. Composable commerce now delivers a new approach to digital commerce. But what is the common definition of ‘composable commerce’? And why should companies opt for composable commerce? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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Statutory health insurance companies in Germany have had to offer their policyholders their personal electronic patient record (EPR) since 1 January 2021. So far, only a little more than 470,000 electronic patient records have been created, despite the potential of about 83 million users. In my blog post, I’ll explain why this is the case, address the challenges private health insurance companies face and show how the situation can change.

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Advances in IoT and other information technologies such as cloud and mobile computing have promoted the digitisation of products. Digital products offer a wide range of opportunities for innovation and high potential for new use cases. While customer centricity is an important consideration, manufacturers should also consider the internal benefits of use cases on the manufacturing side. In my blog post, I explain how we help companies do this.

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03.06.2022 By Fabian Forkl, Zoe Holdt and Julius Glaser

Hydrogen: developing an emerging market


A climate-friendly energy carrier like hydrogen is becoming increasingly relevant in times of disputed gas supplies, rising energy prices and advancing climate catastrophes. The import of green hydrogen from abroad as well as projects for domestic production, distribution and use within Germany are already being planned. In our blog post, we’ll explain to you how gas is turned into a tradable product and which requirements have to be met in order to establish a functioning market.

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The trustworthy characteristics of an artificial intelligence (AI) are addressed in the context of Trustworthy AI. The spectrum of requirements for Trustworthy AI ranges from the AI’s design to its functions, all the way to its operation. At this point, you’re justifiably asking yourself: where should we start, and where’s the end? A holistic framework is used to create an overview, which, in turn, can be broken down into small parts. In my blog post, I’ll briefly present such a framework and highlight individual aspects of it.

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What do blockchain, DAOs and the metaverse have to do with my digitalisation agenda? Should I look into web3, cryptocurrencies and NFTs? What are DAOs and what is the point of the metaverse? After having delved into the depths of the Internet, in this blog post I aim to put important terms of these trending topics into the corporate context.

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Digital Experience

For years, or even decades, every facet of e-commerce has been discussed long and wide. But recently, the term ‘digital commerce’ or ‘d-commerce’ has been creeping into the conversation. Is this just a new, digitally inspired name for an old concept? Or should we take a closer look at the definition of digital commerce? Where do these types of commerce differ and how are they similar? And how do be benefit from this knowledge going forward? To answer these questions, let’s take a little dive into the world of e-commerce and d-commerce.

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A community of practice is an association of experts. Its objectives include the exchange and transfer of knowledge on specialist topics. Together with other testing experts, prominently from the insurance sector, I founded the Testing@Insurance CoP last summer. My blog post introduces you to our Testing@Insurance CoP in more detail.

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Inside adesso

25.05.2022 By Julia Thimmel

Diversity in the workplace

Picture Julia Thimmel

Diversity in the workplace is a very complex, ongoing issue. Moreover, it is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly fine-grained. In my blog post, I would like to explain to you in more detail what advantages diversity offers in the corporate context.

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