A new system needed to be created on the chosen technical platform, but above all, take advantage of the full potential in all the techniques that comes with AWS to create brand new architecture. To get the right support, they turned to adesso. There they found a team with complete knowledge of Amazon.
“We chose to collaborate with adesso because they could offer good system building competence and give us quick response regarding the needs which arose along the way”, says Anders Persson, and points out that it also was the soft values who ruled:
“The commitment from adesso matched the feeling in our team, they had no issues with rolling up their sleeves”, says Anders Persson and remembers how one of adesso’s employees woke up in the middle of the night when he realized something was wrong – and corrected it, even though it was a weekend.
“They always line up”! Henrik Lernmark is a software developer at adesso that came along early in the project. He thought that NODA was thinking exactly right when choosing the way forward:
“It’s easy to choose technology first, instead of seeing what needs to be solved. We always advocate putting the problem in focus and choosing the right tools based on that, something that NODA succeeded in doing”.