Why haven’t we done this earlier? That question did ONE Nordic Measurement technology ask themselves when moving business-critical data from the server hall to the cloud. Adesso helps the company to migrate without creating the slightest ripple on the surface when it comes to operations. A mission characterized by trust.

adesso gives ONE Nordic new power with AWS
Why haven’t we done this earlier?
That question did ONE Nordic Measurement technology ask themselves when moving business-critical data from the server hall to the cloud.
The knowledge that gives energy
“With AWS we get a cost-effective and scalable solution. And a more reliable environment! I am very impressed by the technology and adesso has taught us a lot”, says Mattias Sjöberg, system administrator at ONE Nordic Measurement technology.
“We have got full confidence from the start. It feels good to be able to help ONE Nordic Measurement technology get better service while they, at the same time, save money in the daily operation”, says Markus Bergkvist, developer at adesso.

The energy companies number one
When the manufacturer and distributor within the energy sector need technical assistance to optimize their facilities is ONE Nordic Measurement technology a given first choice. One of the prestigious assignments is to collect over 400 000 measured values per day from E.ON Energy Distributions electrical meters, which are located in everything from households to the largest industries. The measured values control, amongst other things, the charge, so nothing can go wrong.
Everything or nothing
A challenge when it comes to operations has been the uneven server load during the day. A challenge that has proved to be costly.
“At night our measured values are exported, and the servers are working full time. During the daytime, the load decreases, and we are forced to pay for overcapacity”, explains Mattias Sjöberg.
A different challenge has been that the system actually consists of multiple systems on different servers and databases. Troubleshooting can take a long time. Manual routines are required when a server is down, which risks unwanted malfunctions.
“We want to increase the accessibility and tie the operation closer to us so that we can act quicker. We also want to scale up and down the system based on our dataflows. We see an opportunity to achieve this through a cloud service and that’s why we are investing in AWS.”
Moving the system to a cloud service creates a lot of new possibilities. Several times has the wishlist in the collaboration with adesso become extended.
”We modernize the software to fit the new structure and use the services available in AWS. The goal is to build a flexible architecture that builds on a lot of different microservices”, explains Markus Bergkvist.
“We describe our systems and what challenges we have, and adesso then finds solutions in AWS. Several services we now apply have been added as a bit of a bonus for us”, explains Mattias Sjöberg and mentions the redundancy as an example.
The redundancy in the Amazon environment minimizes the risks and we can then avoid interruptions. The IT costs can be significantly reduced.
Long-awaited scalability
One of the most noticeable benefits of the move to the cloud is the ability to control the capacity. To scale up and down based on needs, and to only pay for the space you use.
“In AWS you can use multiple instances of the same service when the load increases during the night. During the daytime when the load decreases, you reduce the number of instances and hence, the costs”, says Markus Bergkvist and adds that it’s about both having control over its own infrastructure and getting the system ready to receive even more measured values in the future.
“It’s a brand new way of thinking. We no longer need to take into account large data loads for a limited time. The system is scaled up and down automatically. To us, it becomes much easier to plan costs and count on new deals”, says Mattias Sjöberg.
Move without downtime
To create a smooth transition between the previous server solution to the cloud, adesso created a hybrid network. In that way can the services be moved without affecting the operation.
“It’s important to have a plan on how the move is carried out. We chose to not use the large power switch, it felt safer to take it step by step. After all, we are changing the fundamentals of a business-critical system”, says Markus Bergkvist.
“adesso is our AWS-supplier and an important partner. We need them on-site to carry out the move”, says Mattias Sjöberg and sees multiple strengths with the collaboration.
“adesso Scout are a pleasant crew that offers the exact competence we want.”
Any questions?
There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.