In the digital age, even the most advanced solutions need to evolve. In the case of SAP Sales and Service Cloud, it is no different. The further development of version 2 is not a simple upgrade, but a fundamental redesign of the existing solution on a new platform. SAP is focusing on key changes such as intelligent insights through AI and significantly increased performance to enable users to handle complex processes more quickly.

This blog post will describe the highlights that the new version offers, for whom a transition is worthwhile and how adesso can be involved as a migration partner. We help you assess your company’s status quo and plan the next steps with our readiness check.

What can the new SAP Sales and Service Cloud do?

Version 2 attaches great importance to AI support and contains various AI functions to search customer data or generate meaningful results (next-best actions). It learns from past interactions and suggests solutions that have proven successful in the past, for example. Version 2 also has components from the fields of deep learning and GenAI. This allows holistic customer insights to be gained, which can be used for a target group-specific customer approach and personalisation. The new version offers many advantages, combined with significantly improved performance and a dynamic, responsive layout.

Sales and Service Cloud V2 offers virtually uninterrupted availability, thanks to the technical re-platforming to a modern, new cloud-native microservice architecture, which market competitors in the CRM segment will still need to tackle themselves. This ensures continuous business operations and a high level of customer satisfaction. The API-first technology approach also enables greater agility and flexibility, especially when expanding via low-code/no-code tools such as SAP Build and expandability via a side-by-side approach on the SAP Business Technology Platform. The new functionalities that complement the core solution were added based on customer experience and complete the picture of the new version of the solutions.

Does it make sense for your company to migrate now? Security with the adesso Readiness Check

When does it make sense to migrate? What needs to be considered during a migration? Is migration even possible for my company?

SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 offers the opportunity to take sales and service to a new technical and professional level. A number of factors determine whether now is the right time for transition and migration. For instance,

  • How far has the current implementation progressed?
  • Is the current solution already being used productively? When is productive use planned?
  • How high is the degree of customised expansions in the solution?
  • To what extent have the standard processes of the solution been customised?
  • Which interfaces exist in the current implementation? What is the level of standardisation for these interfaces?

The individual processes and technical circumstances influence the timing and cost of a migration. Therefore it is difficult to make a generalisation here. adesso offers a comprehensive readiness check to help you assess these aspects. After assessing your current situation, we will make a recommendation on when and how to migrate to the new solution. We show you all the advantages and new functions of Sales and Service Cloud V2 and jointly develop a timeframe and cost planning for implementing the migration.

Preparing for the future early on: transferring developments to V2

It is important to take the right steps at an early stage and assess your own situation if you want to reliably plan and implement a transition. A key aspect to consider when migrating from V1 to V2 of SAP Sales and Service Cloud concerns the developments that were carried out directly in the applications in V1. These need to be transferred to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) and the low-code/no-code tools for SAP Build in a side-by-side approach. In particular this applies to the development at the core of the V1 solutions. From today’s perspective, it is not possible to adopt these developments directly in V2. This makes it all the more important to take action at an early stage.

There are many advantages to adopting developments at an early stage. It can be ensured that the investments made in development to date will also be sustainable in the future if the applications are adapted to the requirements of V2. You will continue to benefit from the developments in V1 and at the same time lay the foundations for a smooth migration to V2.

One part of our readiness check is an analysis of this migration. The main focus here is on the technical feasibility of transferring the developments and an idea of the costs involved. The implementation of this transfer always depends on the scope of the respective expansions. In this manner, we ensure that not only the present situation is optimised, but also that there is clarity to path into the future.

The migration strategy with adesso: step by step into V2

Migrating your SAP Sales and Service Cloud to V2 is a crucial step on your digital journey. To ensure that this transition runs smoothly and successfully, we at adesso rely on a carefully planned and customised migration process. Our aim is not only to bring your system up to date, but also to ensure that the new environment is optimally tailored to your needs and that existing developments continue to function optimally. Let us take a look together at how a migration works with adesso as your partner.

1. Exploration and assessment

Our experts take the time to understand your current system and identify your individual requirements. The readiness check enables a precise assessment of when and whether a migration makes sense. To do this, we analyse the status quo, which in concrete terms means:

  • Analysis of the current V1 implementation: which functionalities are used? Which processes are mapped in the solution?
  • Checking the feature parity between V1 and V2, including a look at the roadmap: are all important functionalities covered by the new solution? When are these expected to be covered?
  • Analysing the customer’s own implementations/developments. Presentation of the V2 solutions: what advantages and possibilities do the new solutions offer?
2. Planning

We jointly draw up a possible migration roadmap based on the analysis in the exploration and assessment phase. Together with you, we develop a customised migration strategy with all the necessary steps and establish a timeframe. We leverage our expertise to make recommendations for a possible migration.

3. Transition

In the next step, the migration is carried out according to the planned steps. The migration tool provided is used to support this process. This is followed by careful implementation of the processes in V2 of Sales and Service Cloud to ensure the highest possible level of consistent quality.

4. Go-live and monitoring

All customisations are checked and updated if necessary. We use a test environment to make sure that everything works smoothly before we go live. Your team will receive comprehensive training so that they can quickly find their feet in the new environment. We offer continuous support to overcome any challenges immediately during the entire process as well as the time following the go-live. Our aim is to enable you to manage and maintain the new solution yourself.

Why choose adesso as a migration partner?

As an SAP partner, we have the highest partner status in the CRM sector. adesso offers the necessary know-how that your company needs on your individual path to V2 thanks to many years of experience. Furthermore, adesso has extensive expertise in the solutions of the SAP Customer Experience Suite and their expansion with SAP BTP and SAP Build. Our experts know the intricacies of the process and are on hand with their specialist knowledge. In addition to migration, we offer innovative solutions that can further improve SAP implementation. We know that your requirements are unique, which is why we offer customised solutions.

The future does not wait. It is time to be one step ahead. Contact adesso to better understand your situation, take advantage of SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 and take the next step towards innovative sales and service.

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Picture Kim Wesche

Author Kim Wesche

As a business developer in the Digital Experience division at adesso, Kim supports customers across all industries in optimising the use of modules from the SAP Customer Experience Suite. The focus here is on a professional and convincing solution definition.






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