Illustration Notebook and PC with lines to a cloud

Into the cloud with adesso

The right strategy for your cloud project

There’s no getting around the cloud

Agile and highly scalable, flexibly configurable, and with automated availability – the cloud fits all the requirements for the digital transformation. Competitive advantages and time-to-market are the primary goals lining the route to the cloud.

If your company too is to utilise this potential, the right cloud strategy is required. Since companies in different industries are confronted with different (regulatory) requirements and processes, an appropriate overall package needs to be put together from a variety of technologies, concepts and providers. A package that best suits the company’s own business requirements, strategies and framework conditions.

Your business is unique. So is your path to the cloud. That’s why adesso offers you custom-fit and tried-and-tested solutions to migrate your IT to the cloud. We support you in establishing a cloud centre of excellence as part of a cloud adaption programme. The cloud centre of excellence ensures an optimal cloud strategy that can be supported by all stakeholders involved throughout the company.

Cloud strategy

The goal is clear: to benefit from the advantages of a well-designed cloud platform – from flexible resources to reduced costs. At the same time, all governance and compliance regulations must be met.

Our all-round hassle-free package for your cloud project

To help your company achieve these goals faster and more securely, we have developed a broad set of competencies and technologies with the adesso Cloud Platform Factory. The Cloud Platform Factory bundles together a host of technologies, project methods and best practices. Thanks to this standardised and automated framework, the path to an individual cloud infrastructure is safer, cheaper and also faster.

adesso supports you in mastering the complexity of the process with a systematic approach to setting up and implementing cloud projects. To do so, we rely on a four-step process that creates a strategic framework and facilitates operational implementation.

From the IT to the cloud strategy

The role that cloud technologies play and how they shape this role is determined by a company’s overarching IT strategy. The harmony of organisation, processes and technologies is crucial for the success of cloud projects. We support you in the creation of a cloud vision and strategy, define your goals together and determine your current state in the form of a cloud readiness workshop.

From the cloud to the migration strategy

The first step is to understand the details of the IT landscape. We therefore analyse your IT landscape and work together with you to develop a roadmap for implementing your cloud activities and support you in building a business case. In the second step , our cloud experts take care of designing a migration strategy precisely tailored to your company.

From the cloud strategy to the development process

After successful planning, we implement the appropriate cloud scenario depending on the assessment of an application and take care of the construction of the cloud infrastructure as well as migration planning and implementation. In addition, we support your company in creating a cloud-ready architecture – including suitable functions – as well as in setting up the cloud-ready environments.

From the development to the daily operating process

Operating and continuously improving your new cloud landscape come at the end of the process. In addition to support and monitoring operability and performance, we also support you with change management and, if required, even with training and certification for ISO27001, ISO9001 and ITIL V4.

Are you ready for a Cloud-Deepdive?

We make your company fit for the cloud

Cloud migration transformation initiatives align a growing number of people, processes and technologies. A track record of numerous successfully implemented cloud computing projects have made us a proponent of a holistic cloud readiness approach. We don’t just focus on the technological aspects.

Our holistic cloud readiness approach

Technology cloud readiness

adesso offers you frameworks and proven methods for the implementation of cloud transformation projects. State-of-the-art cloud technologies, services and products are complemented by the security of the technological cloud readiness perspective. Security is of top priority to us and we approach it as a job-zero task. We support you in successfully shaping the paradigm shift with regard to IT security. Cloud computing, container technologies, DevSecOps and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) are examples where modern security policies are required and conventional solutions – such as firewall rules – do not offer sufficient protection.

adesso possesses expertise in the following areas to help make your company cloud-ready:

  • Cloud technology selection and feasibility
  • Implementation and establishment of blueprints and technology stacks
  • Cloud-based architectures and design principles (such as micro services and reactive systems)
  • Realisation of IaaS and PaaS for the cloud transformation
  • Implementation of the target platform (public/private/hybrid cloud platform)
  • Enterprise cloud organisation (multi-accounts, multi-stage, landing zone)
  • Compliance, security and audit

Business cloud readiness

The Business Cloud Readiness concept is designed to fine-tune IT to and align it with your business needs. This ensures that cloud-based IT developments can be attributed to verifiable business results. Cloud business case, cloud computing KPIs and risk management are examples of areas of expertise that are built and adapted in the cloud readiness business perspective. Our experts combine the business perspective with broad and specialised industry know-how.

Organisation cloud readiness

Managing the impact of business, structural and cultural changes that cloud computing entails is an organisational task. Accordingly, organisation cloud readiness is focused on organisational changes and human resources in the company. Qualification and further training measures – in addition to sourcing and vendor management – ensure that your employees have the necessary skills for cloud-based IT. We support you in this area with knowledge management approaches based on strong customer orientation and flexibility.

adesso blogs

In our blog articles you can find out more about the cloud. Here, our experts talk from the inside - about topics that move individual industries or their own experiences.

Read our blog articles

Tablet with opend adesso blog

Various partners, one goal: your successful cloud project

We rely on the in-depth dialogue we have with our technology partners, who help us to meaningfully enhance our range of services. In this way, we guarantee that the best and most effective provider is used in your cloud project.

adesso stands out thanks to its wide-ranging expertise and certified partner programmes with various cloud providers. These include:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • Powercloud
  • IBM/Red Hat OpenShift
  • Salesforce/Mulesoft
  • GAIA-X / IDS

We are networked with various research and teaching institutions and have a strong practical focus. These allow our experts to recognise future trends at an early stage and implement them successfully.

The cloud at adesso is vendor-neutral

Whether public cloud, private cloud or hybrid/multi-cloud – we provide you with vendor-neutral advice on your path to the cloud and offer you the right cloud strategy for your digital transformation.

Any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.