Technology cloud readiness
adesso offers you frameworks and proven methods for the implementation of cloud transformation projects. State-of-the-art cloud technologies, services and products are complemented by the security of the technological cloud readiness perspective. Security is of top priority to us and we approach it as a job-zero task. We support you in successfully shaping the paradigm shift with regard to IT security. Cloud computing, container technologies, DevSecOps and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) are examples where modern security policies are required and conventional solutions – such as firewall rules – do not offer sufficient protection.
adesso possesses expertise in the following areas to help make your company cloud-ready:
Cloud technology selection and feasibility
Implementation and establishment of blueprints and technology stacks
Cloud-based architectures and design principles (such as micro services and reactive systems)
Realisation of IaaS and PaaS for the cloud transformation
Implementation of the target platform (public/private/hybrid cloud platform)
Enterprise cloud organisation (multi-accounts, multi-stage, landing zone)
Compliance, security and audit
Business cloud readiness
The Business Cloud Readiness concept is designed to fine-tune IT to and align it with your business needs. This ensures that cloud-based IT developments can be attributed to verifiable business results. Cloud business case, cloud computing KPIs and risk management are examples of areas of expertise that are built and adapted in the cloud readiness business perspective. Our experts combine the business perspective with broad and specialised industry know-how.
Organisation cloud readiness
Managing the impact of business, structural and cultural changes that cloud computing entails is an organisational task. Accordingly, organisation cloud readiness is focused on organisational changes and human resources in the company. Qualification and further training measures – in addition to sourcing and vendor management – ensure that your employees have the necessary skills for cloud-based IT. We support you in this area with knowledge management approaches based on strong customer orientation and flexibility.